Go enjoy your Pool & Spa.

Let us take care of the Maintenance!

Looking for Summer Maintenance?

Schedule your POOL & SPA Care today

Salt Lake Pool & Hot Tub Services

Service Call

Give us a call to get on our schedule, or send in a request!


Come to our retail location. Or sign up for maintenance and we’ll bring it to you.

Swamp Restoration

Transform your pool today!


If you need pool and spa part or equipment.


Remodels or equipment upgrades. Small remodels, plaster and plumbing.

Certified Pool Operator

Do you need a CPO to come daily, weekly, or once a month?

Commercial Chemicals? 

Call the office to get more information. 


From open to close we’ve got you covered.

Spas & Accessories

If you need spa, equipment and accessories.

Acid Wash

Is the pool looking stained, dingy, or a blue tint? Schdule an acid wash


Pool Open

Open in Spring

Pool Close

Close in the Fall

Spa Cover Order

If you need pool and spa chemicals, equipment and accessories.


From pool open to close and year-round spa care, we’ve got you covered.